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Thomas Fire: Update

What a difference a day makes in the world of fires!

Saturday was the worst day for the fire with sustained winds reaching 65 miles per hour, surprising everyone. Yet with such horrific winds, firefighters were able to effectively manage the fire and saved homes, lives and businesses.

Winds, readily available old growth for fuel, critically low humidity, and no rain, continue to support the fire’s growth on the west, east and north sides of the fire. Areas of concern remain above Santa Barbara, Montecito, and Summerland, as well as Matilija Wilderness, Rose Valley, and Sespe river drainage north of Fillmore. The Red Flag Warning will remain in place for the next several days due to concern for potential high winds and low humidity.

Today, the sky almost looks “normal” again. We are thankful to have such great coordination between eight fire jurisdictions who threw everything they had at the fire.

We are hopeful today will be a good day for firefighters and they will be able to push the fire further into the back country, continuing to preserve front country homes, lives and businesses.

Cottage Health facilities are continuing to operate business as usual. Emergency generators remain locked on and powerful filters are removing particulates from the air so there is no need to wear a mask inside our buildings.

All Cottage Health hospitals are outside the evacuation areas and are fully staffed to provide ongoing patient care. If you are a family member needing to reach a patient in the hospital, please call (805) 682-7111. We are closely monitoring the situation for the safety of our patients and employees.